Monday, January 21, 2008

Gratitude at 6 months

Eric, the baby whisperer.

Bedrest day 10. Maybe I should not count it by days because it feels more like day 100. I want to be reflective about this experience as it happens even though I know later reflections will have deeper meaning (I hope!), but for now I know that I have so much support and love that I feel grateful for. We have had many visitors during this convalescence and although it frustrates me to not play hostess there is a great deal of serenity to be found in not being able to care if my bathroom is clean or not. To be able to accept help is another milestone, but I need to work on some of the guilt that accompanies that acceptance. And so, my days are measured by cervical centimeters and water bottles, pages, and calories consumed. Perhaps, I should not be measuring/measured at all. How's that for reflective!

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