Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cloudy Wednesday

Saw Dr. Nath yesterday. The cervix looks good-2.8 rather than 2.4, so my fears are slightly assuaged. We did part of a level two ultrasound and the babies have all their fingers and toes. We go back on Monday to finish-it seems I need to make it clear that we are carrying triplets every time I call because a 30 min appointment slot just doesn't seen to cut it. They also looked for birth defects-heart, club foot, and other things that I was not even thinking about.

Amanda found out that they are having a boy! Hopefully, there are girls on the horizon for our one girl is way out numbered by now. She better be a bad ass.

Yesterday was a pretty full day as far a shut in's schedule goes. I finished a book-Girls in Peril. A quick read that I recommend to anyone who does not have all day to read. I made Death by Chocolate for the faculty Christmas Luncheon. Justine kindly picked it up along with some work I graded.

Today's Agenda includes finishing the Christmas Shopping. I will make that the big goal of the day.

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