Friday, May 2, 2008

Beth the Baby Whisperer

Beth arrived today just in time to make me laugh so hard I almost wet my pants and to be the baby whisperer to Nori and Charlie. Nori was a little fussy this afternoon, but after a few notes of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star from Aunt Beth and she was all smiles. Nori had not had a BM in days, but within seconds of Beth's arrival, all was expelled. Bry and I took an infant CPR class today while Beth stayed behind with the the babies. She had it all under control.


Anonymous said...

Hey what is my mommy doing with those 2 other babies...PS Hey Charlie you have something on your upper lip Love, Cousin Ryan

Anonymous said...

So glad to see Auntie Beth visiting her new Niece and Nephew! They are growing by leaps and bounds!
Give them some gentle hugs & kisses from old Auntie Joan!
Keeping you all in prayer!
Love you!
blessings>Aunt Joan