Friday, May 2, 2008

In the Meantime

So we begin another month in Tampa. The leasing company we are using for our apartment is allowing us to renew on a day to day basis. I called today to extend it another week, making our last day May 12. I know I may have to call and extend it again, but I want to remain optimistic. We had our hearing tests yesterday, a sign we will be discharged soon, and we passed with flying colors. We also got a synagis shot to help prevent RSV-a respiratory problem common in preemies. The shot comes with a favor-a rubber stop sign that attaches to their car seats or carriers that says "Please wash your hands before touching mine." Apparently we will have to continue our constant hand washing and sanitizing for a while. I don't think Nori and Charlie would recognize me if I did not smell like hand sanitizer anyway. I think about a story my cousin Vanessa told me, about a woman in a store that was cooing over her beautiful daughter Emily, who then flat out kissed her little face. Maybe I should adapt the Micheal Jackson approach and cover my kids' faces at all times with a blanket. Maybe a mosquito net would suffice. Or maybe I will end being that mom in the Marshall's shrieking "DON'T TOUCH THE BABY!" In the meantime, we show up for mealtimes, Nori continues to manipulate Bryan (At her 6:00 feeding last night Bryan had to wrestle down 37 milliliters. Then the Nurse called at 10:30 to let us know she sucked down 50 milliliters no problem) and we cuddle with them as much as possible.


Beth said...

Wow! Nori already knows how and when to wave goodbye. She is as smart as her cousin Ryan! Love you guys! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Is Nori sucking her thumb like her Aunt Amanda & Aunt Nori??? Once again great pictures & Video. I look forward to coming home to check out Nori & Charlie's progrss, but May 12th sounds good to me for all of you to come home.
All My Love, Mom (Gram)