Thursday, May 8, 2008

Five More Days

I have been reluctant to count how many days each baby goes without an episode because it can be so frustrating when they have a"Brady"on day five. But now, the countdown begins. Both Nori and Charlie need to go five days without an Apnea or Brady in order to be released. The last few days have been tough, mostly due to a bi-weekly eye exam they both have looking for "retinopathy," an eye condition common in preemies. The exam is very traumatic for both of them. They do not let moms watch because it can be so upsetting (think "A Clockwork Orange"). So this leads to the question-How important is it for them to have these exams? It's not like they need to read the map quest map to get home or anything. Each time they have the exam the results are the same: Trace signs of retinopathy that they may grow out of so we keep looking to see if they have matured. So the unofficial plan is to get to our five days before their next eye exam. Today is day one.


Anonymous said...

Whenever I am doing the music at church and there is a liberal priest in the sacristy, I always sing a country song:

One day at a time, sweet Jesus,
That's all that I'm asking of you.
Teach me to give; help me to live
One day at a time.

May the days pass by as if in an eyeblink. Love you all...NONNA

Anonymous said...

Dear Amy & Brian
I dont think I have ever know
two people in my life that are as
special as the two of you.
Love you
Cousin Peggy

Anonymous said...

Ditto Nonna! I won't count the days until it is hours I can count when you all will be coming home. Every day Nori & Charlie are getting stronger and that is a good thing.

All My Love,


Unknown said...

Hi Amy,

I hope you don't mind Mrs.Paparozzi sent me your blog. I was asking about you and your little ones. Charlie and Nori are beautiful!! Hang in there, I know how frustrated you are, but know they are getting the best care. My prayers are with you and your family.
Many blessings,

Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy! I just wanted to wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!! I hope you enjoyed your day with your beautiful babies--you deserve it!! The babies are absoultely gorgeous and are getting so big!!! Hang in there--you are in the home stretch!! :)
Take care,
Christine Link (Avicolli)