Monday, May 5, 2008

Reluctant Roomates

I feel like Charlie will be lonely if Nori leaves him in the NICU. Charlie, however, may feel like he can finally get some sleep.


Anonymous said...

I love the way they look together. Every day they get cuter and cuter. I miss you and wait patiently for my time with Nori & Charlie.

All My Love


Anonymous said...

This video is a riot - love the way Charlie's little hand opens up when you say you're sorry - as if he's saying, "Hey, what can I do; she's my sister and I love her."
Congrats to Nori passing the first of many tests in her life!
Praying and hoping that Charlie and Nori will not be apart long. Love to my beautiful grandbabies...NONNA

Anonymous said...

Nori looks like she is a real wiggler. Hopefully Charley will get some rest - he looks so peaceful and content. Counting the unknown mystery number of days and hoping they are behind you soon! Love you!