Saturday, May 17, 2008

We were only waiting for this moment to arrive...

Last night, day four of no episodes, Bryan and I went out for our "last dinner," sure we may have another last dinner because our discharge would be postponed. We did not even go to the NICU last night like we usually do on Friday nights because we were so sure the babies would sense our anxiety and have an episode just to stay away from us. But I knew it was real this time; it was a tension like I have never felt before. Like the first day of school as a student and as a teacher. Like the moment before taking a stage to speak in front of a group of people. Like driving in a foreign country and realizing you are totally lost and do not speak the language enough to ask for directions. Like being at the pinnacle of a roller coaster-the pause just before it goes over the edge. That was how I felt until their monitors went black. No longer beeping on a screen for me to see, their hearts were now inside of me.

Now my typing is one handed, as I hold Charlie in one arm and I am distracted by Nori wiggling with Bryan nearby. Our first night together will probably be a long one, but one I have longed for for so long.


Anonymous said...

How exciting! I'm so happy for you and can't stop crying! Looking forward to your safe return home - Love you!

Anonymous said...

The babies were singing like Pinocchio,
"I've got no strings to hold me down
To make me fret and make me frown,
How I love my liberty -
There are no strings on me."

Charlie and Nori now performing unplugged!
Hurray!!! Love...NONNA

Denice said...

Tears of joy! I am so happy for you guys.

Can't wait for you guys to come home.



Anonymous said...

Ben and I came across a baby deer on Saturday morning. He was probably only a day old or so. He was curled up next to my patio. As with all baby deer, when there mommies have to leave them in search of food, they curl up and do not move, a survival instinct. We spent the day checking on the baby, hoping his mommy would soon be back. We started to worry by sunset that maybe mommy wasn’t coming. But, then she appeared. The little guy struggled to get up and on his wobbly new legs, followed his mom, in his best attempt to skip, into the woods. A perfect end to a long day waiting.
So happy for you guys!
Love Ben, Aunt Sara, Uncle Jamie

Anonymous said...

William keeps saying play it again - Nori and Charlie best friends in the car leaving:) We are crying happy tears with you!
Love Amanda R.

Beth said...

I can't stop crying and Ryan keeps asking me if I am sad and why am I crying? Then he asks me if I am laughing? How do you explain to a 2 year old tears of happiness? We can't wait to see you!!! :) Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

This is such a emotional weekend. All my babies being released from the hospital on the same day. I am so overwhelmed with emotions that my tears of joy are making it hard to think or type. The nurses who took such good care of Nori, Charlie you & Bryan will always have a place in my heart. They truly are angels. I can start counting the days now until I will see you.

All My Love
Mom - Gram

ShawnieMac said...

Ok, I know I'm a dork, but I cried through all of your video clips. Back in the end of April, a guy walked into my oncologist's office at a very appropriate time wearing a t-shirt that read "God Answers Prayers". Apparently so, my friends, apparently so.
Love you.

Anonymous said...

I can't quite bring myself to watch the videos yet, since I'm bawling enough without them! I am so happy you guys are all together. Tyler and I can't wait to see his new cousins. These have been the happest few days of my life and it's only just begun. Love always, Aunt Amanda

Anonymous said...

PS LOVE The Beatles reference. Aunt Amanda

Anonymous said...

Oh my - what wonderful, WONDERFUL news!! Oh I could cry - no wait, I am crying!! Those little ones have finally "learned to fly!" I cannot imagine how you must have felt, walking out into the sunshine with them, driving away from the hospital, saying goodbye to all of that!! I am so happy for you all.

Love and blessings,
Christine, Tom and Maddie

Anonymous said...

What a blessing! I discovered your blog about 2 wks after a friend delivered her twins at 26 wks. You've helped give so many people so much hope. Blessings to your whole family!

Kristen said...

I have been following your blog for some time now and to see your family leave the hospital all at the same time is such a blessing. I am crying and I don't even know you guys. I can't imagine the joy you must have felt to finally bring your angels home. Congratulations!