Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm 3 lbs.!

Charlie has finally reached his 3 lb. mark. He decided to wear this dinosaur outfit because he feels as big as a brontosaurus. He is also eating by mouth 4 times a day. Both babies are now known as "feeder-growers" in the NICU, which is a good thing. As a result of their new status, we were moved from the row we have been in for the last two months to a smaller room that we share with one other baby. The privacy is nice, making feeding times a little more convenient, and it is quieter because we only have three monitors as back round music rather than 20. However, we have to get to know a new set of nurses and I fear we may not have Charlie's favorite nurse, Dave, anymore. Getting to know anyone in this unit brings its challenges. For example, within the first five minutes that we were in the new room, the new nurse came in and asked if the other baby in the room being held by his mother was baby "a," as Charlie and Nori's cribs are marked "b" and "c" from their birth. Later on another nurse came in to cover a lunch break and asked where baby "a" was. I know that this is a legitimate question given the markings on Nori and Charlie's cribs and charts, and it is not that I don't want to talk about Bobby, but not necessarily with strangers. I also got the question, after revealing we were from New Jersey, "Oh, so you were on vacation?" I suppose there are some women who when they are 7 months pregnant with triplets may go on vacation, but the question still bugs me anyway. Overall, however, this change to a new room is a good thing because it means we are one step closer to walking out the door.


Kristen said...

I remember walking into the NICU and not being able to find one of my babies, because they had moved him of course. No one told me ahead of time and I freaked out. Congrats on the move and I know how annoying it can be that people don't think before they say things. At least you can be prepared for how to answer questions later.

Denice said...

It is so good to hear that you guys are one step closer to coming home!