Monday, April 28, 2008

Running Close to Empty

Last year, my sisters and I ran a 5K. It started out on pavement, with the wind at our backs, and then went through the woods and on sea level sand, hopping over tree roots. We found a groove and kept pace with each other, making great time. The hardest part of the entire run was the last ½ mile that had us back on the asphalt, but running against the wind, with the finish line in sight. The wind was blowing so hard that it made my eyes fill with tears, blurring the exact distance between the end and myself. The victory of having had run so far was not enough to propel me towards the goal. Once I could make out Ryan and my mom at the finish line, however, I was able to give those last few feet my all. I suppose this metaphor is an obvious one for this last week and the next one, two, maybe three to come, but it wasn’t obvious to me until I started writing about it. My own strength pushes me only so far, but today, I may need a motivational piggy back ride to make it to the end. Luckily, there are plenty of people in my life offering up their backs.


Unknown said...

You can do it!!! You have already shown that you have more strength that I think even YOU thought possible. It may be presumptuous of me to say this, I don't even know you! But I do understand that feeling of not being sure you can get to the finnish line after such a long hard race. Stay strong (boy that sounds pathetic) and keep your head up high! Come cry on your blog when you need to, you have avid readers that really care!!!

Anonymous said...

You have lots of cheerleaders here on the sidelines! I, among many, are checking in on you guys on a regular basis and watching your beautiful babies grow. Seeing the video of them holding hands brought tears. I hope all of you are snug at home very soon.

K said...

I remember that 5k! I also remember the practice run you did on the treadmill the day before!! I echo Kathy O's comments - can't wait to see you and your beautiful family! =)
-Kathy Leone

ShawnieMac said...

Oh, my friend, I understand, for different reasons, all too well. Check this out when you have a chance.
It's amazing the strength we find around us, and the people that hold us up when we start to feel overwhelmed. I know the finish line seems so far away at this point, but it's there - it's out there. This I know for certain.
Love you xoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh, my sweet daughter-in-law, did you know that I feel humbled in the presence of your incredible strength of spirit over these last few months. You are not alone, Amy - we're here for you with "cups of water" along your way. You just need to reach out your hand and I will help in any way I can.
Charlie and Nori are the luckiest babies ever to have you and Bryan loving and watching over them. My prayer now is that these next weeks be kind to you and pass as in the blink of an eye. I love you, Amy...Mom Phyllis

Beth said...

I ditto everyone's comments! I truly admire you and Bryan for your strength.
Funny you should mention that 5k because it was this past weekend. I was really thinking about running it again but I wasn't up for it - maybe because without my sisters it just wouldn't be the same or maybe because I have been to lazy! :)
I am so looking forward to seeing all of you this weekend and then hopefully you will be coming home shortly after that!!! I miss you so much and can't wait to see you! Love you!

Anonymous said...

My dearest Amy, No one can know what you have gone through these past months. Your strength is truly amazing. Please know that a day does not go by that I don't miss you, Bryan, Nori & Charlie and wish you were home. It will happen and as I said if a few months when I am there every day you will wish you were back in Tampa (ha ha) I am so very proud of you and love you very much. When those emotions start to come over you just remember that you have so many people who care. It will get better!!!

All My Love Mom (happy face)

Beth said...

oops I meant too lazy not to lazy - sorry Amanda - I am a math teacher not an English major!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Amy and Bryan! It has been an absolute pleasure to see the amazing progress that your beautiful children have made. (Beth just e-mailed me your blog address). I was overwhelmed with emotions while I was perusing through this. Just remember that you have so many loved ones and friends that are behind you throughout this up-hill climb. When you feel like you might not be able to take one more step, just close your eyes and relax...I guarantee you will be able to feel everyone's love pushing you further. Congratulations to the both of you. Your children are beautiful, and I pray that you can make it home soon.
Marissa (Beth's case you don't know!!)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Amy. You and Bryan are just amazing and Nori and Charlie are so blessed to have you as their parents. The videos are wonderful. Keep sending them. We can't wait to see you.
Christina, Doug and Jack